Sunday, May 22, 2011

Running, 2011...part 2

I started 2011 in a training deficit because (even though I ran 2 miles on 1/2/11) I hadn't run all of December. I figured, if I could get to 70 miles, I could catch up in other months. After a couple of weeks in January, I wasn't getting back to the speed that I even ran the Turkey Trot in. In addition, I started to develop a case of shin splints. The boost in mileage was the culprit for that. I purchased some compression calf guards to help solve that issue. They worked, and I kept plugging away. My last run for January was Frosty Fun Run #3 with an average pace of 7:02/mi, and brought my mileage total to 82. I had, for all intents and purposes, caught up to the monthly average for my goal. I just focused on running distances to build up my mileage base. No speed training.  The speed came once I had built my base.

During February, I incorporated speed training into my workout routine. I continued to run the races at a high level, including breaking the 7:00/mi pace for the second Clover Creek race with an average pace of 6:50/mi. Not since high school and college had I run that "fast". I use quotation marks because, I have a different interpretation of fast. (I ran a 4:32 1600 my Senior year in track) I finished February with 106 total miles and was now 22 miles ahead of my goal.

March was an up and down month for me. I was able to beat February's mile total (111), but I had a disappointing (for me anyway) showing in the NorCal 10 mile race on March 5. I felt great through 5 miles (I was running at a 7:25 pace), but then I developed some foot pain (turned out to be blisters on both feet) and slowed significantly for the second 5 (8:04/mi). I recovered from the blisters, and set out for my next series of events, two 5ks (one in March, one in April), a 5 miler (April), and a half marathon (May).

The first 5k was hard. The weather was miserable. Around 40 degrees, 20-30 mph wind and a rain that felt like ice cubes hitting your face. I was able to run a 6:51 pace despite the conditions, which made me very happy. I knew that in a couple weeks I would be running another 5k, with hopefully more favorable conditions and excited to think about what pace I could run then. I ran a 5 miler that was challenging. Rough terrain on a modified course led to another blister and a 7:22 pace.

During the next week, I was joking around about running two 5ks in one morning. One at 0800 and the other at 0930. I was subtly challenged again by Billy Brown:

Billy B.  
Do it. That would be utterly mannish.

about 1 month ago • Unlike • 2 people  delete

I couldn't back down, so I registered for the second 5k. I ended up winning the first 5k (which turned out to only be 2.3miles) with an avg pace of 6:41. I beat feet back to Redding for the second 5k. I ended up 7th overall, and had a lot of friends running in this one. For my second effort, I was able to pull off a 6:52 pace.

The next week I trained hard, still in prep for my half marathon coming up. After an 8 mile run I noticed some stiffness in my right Achilles Tendon. I didn't think much of it. Normal aches and pains of running, and it wasn't even pain. I ran again the next day and then ran 10 the day after that. While running the 10, I noticed some pain in the aforementioned location but pressed on since I was running with a friend. By mile 9 it was screaming at me. And after we finished, it was very sore. I woke the next day with stiffness, pain and a lot of swelling. Everything my own web research pointed to was Achilles Tendinitis. The main prescription: REST, and lots of REST. What?!?!? Not now! Not after all I've been doing. All my training would now be for naught. I heeded the advice, even talked to the folks at Fleet Feet who suggested rest, and stopped running. I tried running a couple times, but had stiffness so I stopped. Disheartening. My last run was 4/15/11.

In March I applied to be a member of the 2011 Team MARATHON. Our good friend Heidi told me about  Active Ambassadors, and that she had applied to be a sponsored runner. I was curious so I checked it out and applied.

Fast forward to last Tuesday. All that I've been through with the AT, I started P90x to keep my fitness up. I received an e-mail:

Dear Athlete,

Congratulations!  We’re pleased to announce that you have been selected to become a member of Team MARATHON® Bar. Your athletic accomplishments and individual interests were a perfect match for the sponsors’ goal of building a dedicated team of passionate runners who are committed to staying active. Your 2011 goals, past achievements, future motivations, and overall dedication to the sport and product best demonstrated this commitment. Please see below for important details to getting started with the sponsorship.

The first thought through my head is "Great. I'm going to have to turn it down." I read through the material in the e-mail and decided I would sign up. Worst case, I wouldn't be able to fulfill the obligation and would have to drop out. I came home from work and printed the paperwork and sent it back in an e-mail. I was stoked! 1 of 200 runners nationwide selected to be a member of their team. AND, our friend Heidi was also selected! 1% of the team is in Redding, CA! The sponsorship runs from 6/5 to 12/15. I have to participate in 4 endurance events, including 1 Rock 'n' Roll Marathon/Half Marathon event in that time period. I've set my sights on San Jose, CA's Half on October 2. 

I used KT Tape to run on Thursday. I ran 3 miles, no problems. I used it again yesterday. 3 miles again, no problems again. I have to be smart about my running and building up my base again after a month off. I'm through 2 weeks of P90x and I'm sure the stretching alone has helped get me back to running. I'm feeling stronger every day and hope to continue running with P90x.

That's all for now. Sorry to be so long winded. I had to catch up on the events of the year. Again, this is my first experience with "writing" my own blog. I'll be posting race reports here and DailyMile.

Running, 2011...part 1

Some of you know that I set out with a goal for 2011, a resolution if you will, to run 1000 miles for the year. I was influenced by Billy Brown in this goal. It was something I talked to my wife Hillary about before Billy's challenge. The monthly average for this undertaking is 83.33 miles. As of January 1, 2011, I hadn't run more than 72 in a month. Even back in 2009 when I trained for my second half marathon. I told Hillary that I was going to give it a shot. The way I saw it, I had already thought about it, and someone else brought it up again, so I should probably do it. Billy and I are both DailyMile members, so there would be some accountability.

I ran in the 2010 SRMC Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving day. I had been training for it, to PR. I had a goal of 44:30 (7:25/mi). I had watch issues, so I ran too fast for the first mile (6:38). I ended up being gassed the rest of the race, and finished at 44:57 (7:29/mi). Still a PR of almost 2 minutes, but off my goal pace of what I'd been training for. 

Then came December. All sorts of excuses, including it being one of the wettest Decembers ever in Redding, a family trip to Disneyland, Christmas, etc, etc... For all my training efforts in October and November, I didn't log a mile in December. 

That's what makes my 1000 mile goal that much more ambitious. 

to be continued...